Most Advanced PHP Frameworks to Build Your Modern Website On

Most Advanced PHP Frameworks to Build Your Modern Website On Blog Feature

Hypertext Preprocessor, better known as PHP is one of the most popular and user-friendly web programming languages, and has been used by millions of website owners today. Research states; PHP is used by the majority of web servers which is 82% of the total. Whether for its superb interactive features or outstanding database and HTML integration support or easy to learn frameworks; the benefits of PHP are numerous and can help businesses to build websites and web applications of all complexity and sizes. PHP also ensures your website with advanced protection from cyber-attacks like XSS attacks and SQL injection and others.

The modern web development requires speed, well organized, easy to maintain and reusable code while ensuring quality and scalability for websites. The best way to achieve all these is by using a PHP framework. PHP frameworks are ready to use architecture, libraries, controller logic, code structures, etc. The frameworks make developers more productive and also shorten their project delivery time. However, selecting a framework can be really challenging at time. Here, we have mentioned a list of actively popular PHP frameworks among developer community and promotes modern web development practices.


Laravel Logo

The king of all PHP frameworks is Laravel which easily spans the depths and widths of large scale web application development. It easily supports rapid application development and quite simple to learn. The set of features included in it can bring any complex and large scale project to live within days. Laravel also comes with its very own templating engine names Blade, which allows users to write plain PHP in the template. Another great reason to start using Laravel is it comes with the inclusion of “Homestead” which helps developers to start development anywhere without the hassle of installing a web server.


Symfony Logo

Symphony is one of the leading PHP frameworks to handle large scale and complex enterprise projects effortlessly. It consists a large set of reusable components and active developer community. Symfony components power some of the largest open source projects such as OROCRM, Drupal, PHPBB, PIWIk and even the famous Laravel.


Phalcon Logo

Another modern PHP framework is Phalcon. Specially built for speed, Phalcon is a PHP extension written in C and apparently the fastest PHP framework available today. It is also a full stack MVC framework and offers modern features such as controllers, routing, query language, ORM, view templates and Caching. It beats all other frameworks with performance and easy-learning modules.


Codeigniter Logo

Created by Ellislab back in 2006 and available free under MIT license; Codeigniter has been one of the top PHP framework choices for many. It is lightweight and fast compared to other contemporary PHP frameworks. As of today, PHP beginners are still using Codeigniter.

Our Honorable Mentions

Apart from above framework giants; PHP also has old heroes such as Yii, CakePHP, FuelPHP, Slim, Aura and Zend which developers are still using different methodology and concepts for best case scenarios. The frameworks mentioned here among the best PHP frameworks in the world of development today. So, what’s your choice?

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