Once you access the JCasp website, the domain you use to access their website, internet address of the site from which you linked directly to its Website, date and time of your visit to its Website, will be accessed and save by the JCasp. JCasp can also make use of the Personal information contained in e-mail sent by individuals, for responding the queries and to follow-up the suggestions or complaints to enhance the level of service provided by JCasp.
The information stored by the JCasp would be used to check the web traffic and to assist them make improvements to the information contained in the website. When you email the JCaspgroup, your e-mail addresses that you use to communicate, could also be accessed.
However, JCasprestricts information to be shared with anyone, unless the JCaspthinks it appropriate to share. JCaspwill transfer complaints received to the company complained about and will be transferred to the proper JCasp. When you complaint or send us a query, you give us the access to forward your information to the proper business, if necessary. Customer inquiries might get forwarded by email so consumers should be aware of the disadvantage of this method as it is not secure.
Your personal information will only be shared under the following circumstances:
1. It might be possible that your personal information is required by the law enforcement agencies for investigation purposes, so JCasp will forward your details to them.
2. Where we recognize a company that is engaged in fraudulent activity or other deceptive practices, it will be our duty to share your information with the relevant people.
3. Your information would be shared to appropriate governmental authorities on their request.
4. Your information could also be shared to appropriate persons where you are being caught doing possible harm to others.
Some of our happy clients explaining about their experience with JCasp team. We are proud to provide them with successful solutions for their business.
Founder of 64 Robots
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